
Our first Christmas

I couldn't help but dress them up in these outfits. Pretty soon they are going to be to old and will understand that I am putting them in ridiculous outfits like these. Don't they look cute though?! Colby's legs don't really fill out the tights...but I just couldn't help myself.

We are 2 months now!

It's hard to believe that Cade and Colby are already two months old. They seem to be learning new things everyday. Colby has just recently found her tongue and Cade is starting to grab onto toys that hang above his head. Both kiddos smile at themselves in mirrors and at their mommy and daddy. They are SO smart! Here are a few pictures from 4-8 weeks.


Happy Halloween

Celebrating Halloween with a few of our best friends!

Schakel's, Muehlenbruch's, Bellerive's & Fosnick's

Mom and babies

Cade and Colby in their first Halloween costumes....they were just a "little" bit too big

Love their Pumpkin Butts

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Just Hanging Out At Home

At The Hospital

October 19, 2007

The Bellerive Twins Are Finally Here!

Colby Layne
5lb 4oz
7:49 PM

Cade Michel
5lb 8oz
7:56 PM

This is day 5 at the hospital and the first night Jason and I had both babies in the same room. Cade had a bit of a rough start and had to spend a few nights by himself in the nursery. We were pretty happy to have the two of them together! Can you tell them apart?!

Whoa...35 Weeks!