
Christmas Jammies

This is the second year our friends have gotten together to get pictures of kids in Christmas jammies. We plan to "force" them to do this until they are out out of college or married- can't you just imagine our Christmas jammies picture 18 years from now....!?!?!? ;)
Cade, Blake, Jake, & Brett, Emme, Cameryn, Colby, and AinsleyThe BoysThe GirlsBaby Austyn in the belly :)We decorated cookies when the kids were done
(it was a little incentive to smile for the pictures)


Blake's 3rd Birthday Party

On December 19th, we took the kids down to Olympia for Blake's 3rd birthday party. It was held at the Hands on Children's Museum from 3 - 5. The kids had a really good time and wore themselves out running around playing at all of the different stations!